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James Brind

Journal Abbreviator, a web app

This little project was inspired by my forgetting the abbreviated form of the Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, which is a bit of a mouthful in its long form. The first search engine result for the title and ‘‘abbreviation’’ is a classic example of everything that is wrong with the internet. With my adblocker disabled, I observed:

  • 300 requests transferring 8MB of data;
  • a full-page modal advert covering over the content;
  • a warning from Firefox that ‘‘a web page is slowing down your browser’’.

Researchers of the world deserve better than this.

My attempt (admittedly not monetised) needs a mere three requests transferring 18kB. This post describes how I built my first web app, and what I learned in the process.


A consistent method for abbreviations is specified by the ISO4 standard 1. The standard defines an exhaustive list of title word abbreviations, or LTWA for short 2; and a few general rules: don’t abbreviate one-word titles or proper names, omit prepositions, and so on.

The word list ltwa.csv looks like this,

"nat̡ional-";"natl.";"rum, fre, eng"

We see there are four types of entries. In alphabetical order:

  1. Prefixes: “national” or “nationality” both abbreviate to “natl.”;
  2. Non-abbreviations: “power” must be kept as-is;
  3. Suffixes: “Dorsetshire” and “Devonshire” abbreviate to “Dorsetsh.” and “Devonsh.”;
  4. Whole words: the simplest case, “turbomachinery” abbreviates to “turbomach.”

Did you notice the “t̡” in “nat̡ional-”? It seems that, where an abbreviation applies to multiple languages, the list records the long word in the alphabet of the first language. At the cost of generality, we can normalise characters such as these using,

iconv -f UTF-8 -t ASCII//TRANSLIT < ltwa.csv > ltwa_translit.csv

Abbreviation algorithm

The Python code to read and parse this word list into a WordList class containing four dictionaries, one for each type of entry, is straightforward. We can look up individual words efficiently using the in keyword, as dictionaries are indexed by hash tables 3. There are a couple of complications when applying this method to a general query string containing a publication title.

Splitting titles on spaces was the logical first move, but this falls down with abbreviations like,

"United States of America";"U. S. A.";"eng"

where the long form contains spaces. Because hash table lookups are cheap, my workaround is to try all possible combinations of consecutive words of length two up to a maximum of four. If any of these trial words are found in the abbreviations dictionaries, they are joined together, and the rest of the algorithm can proceed as normal.

Matching prefixes and suffixes also requires some thought. A naive implementation could do something like,

def match_prefix_naive(word, prefixes):
    # Loop over all keys in prefixes dictionary and return a match
    for p in prefixes:
        if word.startswith(p):
            return prefixes[p]
    # Otherwise, return nothing
    return None

The problem with this implementation is that the runtime is proportional to the number of entries in the dictionary, as we do separate comparisons with each prefix. It is more efficient to iterate over shaved versions of the input word,

def match_prefix(word, prefixes, max_prefix_length):
    # Trim characters off the input
    for trim_stop in range(len(word),max_prefix_length-1,-1):
        # Look up the trimmed word in the prefix dictionary
        word_trim = word[:trim_stop]
        print('Trying:', word_trim)
        if word_trim in prefixes:
            print('Matched:', prefixes[word_trim])
            return prefixes[word_trim]

Where max_prefix_length is the length of the longest prefix, which we can pre-calculate while reading in the word list. Now, we have at most len(word) - max_prefix_length + 1 hash table lookups with a runtime independent of the number of word list entries. For example,

>>> match_prefix('nationality',prefixes)
Trying: nationality
Trying: nationalit
Trying: nationali
Trying: national
Matched: natl.

All this is wrapped into an abbreviate function, which given a string and word list: does the four types of lookup, applies exceptions for special cases, and outputs with the correct capitalisation. Finally, let’s make this script more UNIXy so we can call it from the shell or reading from standard input as part of a pipeline,

#!/usr/bin/env python3

# ... logic goes here ...

if __name__=="__main__":

    # Get the abbreviation dictionary from default word list file
    word_list = WordList("ltwa_translit.csv")

    # Collect arguments from standard input or sys.argv
    if not sys.stdin.isatty():
        for line in sys.stdin:
            print(abbreviate(line.strip('\n'), word_list))
        # If no following arguments, show usage
        if len(sys.argv)==1:
            print('Usage: TITLE')
            # As argv is space-separated we must put title back to a single string
            print(abbreviate(" ".join([w for w in sys.argv[1:]]), word_list))

After putting this script somewhere on our $PATH and chmod u+x, we can do,

$ Journal of Turbomachinery
J. Turbomach.
$ cat my_favourite_journals.txt
Journal of Turbomachinery
The Lancet
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
International Journal of Turbomachinery, Propulsion and Power
$ grep Turbo my_favourite_journals.txt | 
J. Turbomach.
Int. J. Turbomach. Propuls. Power

Onto the web

There is an argument that client-side JavaScript would have been the best way to implement the abbreviator as a web page. However, I’m much more proficient in Python than JavaScript, and I had already made a Python version. Furthermore, sending a 1.7MB word list to every client seemed a bit unnecessary. So I went for a basic Flask web app 4.

Flask is a “micro” web framework written in Python that responds to HTTP requests with templated HTML. I did not have to write much code to make this work,

from flask import Flask, render_template
import jabbrev

app = Flask(__name__)

# Load word list on startup
word_list = jabbrev.WordList('ltwa_translit.csv')

# Return an empty page at base url
def index():
    return render_template( 'index.html', short_title="", long_title="",)

# Input the url as journal to abbreviate, return a filled in page
def abbreviate(journal):
    # Handle Apache rewrites that replace spaces
    journal = journal.replace("+"," ")
    short_title = jabbrev.abbreviate(journal,word_list)
    return render_template(

Here, index.html is a template that contains placeholders {{ short_title }} and {{ long_title }} where the data is to be inserted. There is also some limited JavaScript, to take the contents of an input text box, HTML encode it, and append it to the URL when the user presses the enter key or “abbreviate” button. Spelling out the example from the introduction,

I imagine using this might be useful if you had a tea-time disagreement with a colleague about, say, the correct way to abbreviate Flow, Turbulence and Combustion and you wanted to send them a link afterwards to prove yourself right

Generous hosts

The web app, like this entire site, is hosted by the Student-Run Computing Facility at the University of Cambridge (for free!). They provide excellent documentation for getting your app up and running 56 on which I have only one thing to add. One needs a rule in .htaccess to tell the web server to route traffic to the Flask process that sits ready watching a socket file. Because I wanted to accept general input in the URL, my rule needed an extra option,

RewriteRule "^journal-abbreviator(.*)$" "unix:/home/jb753/jabbrev/web.sock|$1" [P,NE,L,QSA,B]

where the [B] directive instructs the web server to HTML escape all characters in the (.*) capture group.


In response to the bloat of existing websites, I built my own Journal Abbreviator web app in Python. Once I had a working script locally, only about 30 lines of code were needed to get it accessible using the Flask framework.

The entire codebase is available on my sourcehut. If a reader were to fork the app, host it on another domain and plaster it with adverts, I suppose I would be flattered.

Although I have verified abbreviations for the journals I commonly read, there are likely to be some incorrect answers or bugs for other journals I have not tried. To some extent, this is inevitable due to the many edge cases and ambiguity of the English language. Is “Carpenter” a name (which should not be abbreviated) or a job (which abbreviates to “Carpent.”)? If you spot an incorrect abbreviation, I would be grateful if you could open an issue.
